The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an exam utilized by the Armed Forces to determine if an individual is qualified for enlistment in one of the branches of the military.
High school and college students can also take the ASVAB as a part of a career exploration program. Taking the ASVAB in school does not imply interest in joining the military. Instead, it provides individuals with the opportunity to explore options that the military may provide.
Test formats and testing locations
The ASVAB is available as a computer-delivered exam (CAT-ASVAB), and as a paper-based exam (P & P-ASVAB). The CAT-ASVAB is delivered at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), and the P & P-ASVAB is delivered at a Military Entrance Test (MET) site. Both MEPS and MET are located nationwide and at military installations overseas.
ASVAB design
The ASVAB measures a candidate’s aptitude in four domains:
- Verbal
- Word Knowledge
- Identification of words in context
- Identify synonyms for given words
- Paragraph Comprehension
- Obtain information from written passages
- Word Knowledge
- Math
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Solve word problems
- Mathematics Knowledge
- Knowledge of high school math principles
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Science and Technical
- General Science
- Knowledge of physical and biological sciences
- Electronics Information
- Knowledge of electricity and electronics
- Auto Information
- Knowledge of automobile technology
- Shop Information
- Knowledge of tools, terminology, and practices
- Mechanical Comprehension
- Knowledge of mechanical and physical principles
- General Science
- Spatial
- Assembling Objects
- Determining how an object will look assembled
- Assembling Objects
The order of the tests is as
- General Science
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Word Knowledge
- Paragraph Comprehension
- Mathematics Knowledge
- Electronics Information
- Auto Information
- Shop Information
- Mechanical Comprehension
- Assembling Objects
Time limits apply to the ASVAB and vary depending upon delivery method.
CAT-ASVAB design
The computerized version of the ASVAB is an adaptive exam. Each test has a pool of questions, and the next question presented to a candidate is dependent upon the test taker’s previous answer. If an answer is correct, the computer selects a more difficult question. If an answer is incorrect, the computer selects an easier question. In this way, the computer adapts to the test taker’s abilities.
The exam is self-paced, and you do not have to wait for others to complete one test before moving on to the next. The time limit for the exam is 154 minutes, and the average time spent on the exam is 90 minutes. You will not be allowed to return to previously completed tests. Should you find yourself running out of time, make a guess. You are not penalized for guessing, but you are penalized for unanswered questions.
P & P-ASVAB design
The paper test is a traditional, proctored examination. All examinees take the same test at the same pace. When you complete a test, you must wait for instructions to move to the next one. If you have time at the end of a test, review your answers and make any changes at that time. You will not be allowed to go back to previous test sections. Keep track of the time. As with the CAT-ASVAB, if you find yourself running out of time, fill in the remaining questions with random guesses. You are not penalized for guessing, but you are penalized for unanswered questions.
There are 225 questions in the paper exam, and each test has a specific time limit. The test proctor will inform you of the time limit for each test.
Registration, cost, and dates
To register for the ASVAB, you will work with your local military recruiter. If you meet the eligibility requirements for consideration for military service, the recruiter will make the testing arrangements and provide you with information on the date and location of the testing.
ASVAB test appointments are available year-round, holidays excepted. There is no cost associated with the ASVAB.
Test Day
When you arrive at the MEPS or MET to take your test, you will need your photo identification. Your recruiter will discuss the rules of the testing center with you and will let you know what you can and cannot bring into the testing center.
The test proctor will discuss the details of the testing format with you, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the test delivery method you will be using. You must complete all tests in the ASVAB to receive a score.
Exam retake
You may retake the ASVAB three times. The first two retakes you have to wait a calendar month before rescheduling. The third retake requires a six-month waiting period.
Exam results and scoring
Results are provided to the test taker and their recruiter. Scores may be available immediately. Your recruiter will discuss your score and the implications of that score.
Scored from four of the tests are combined to determine enlistment eligibility. The combined score is called the Armed Forces Qualifications Test (AFQT) and consist of the following four tests:
- Word Knowledge
- Paragraph Comprehension
- Arithmetic Reasoning
- Mathematics Knowledge
Your AFQT score determines enlistment eligibility in each of the branches. The minimum AFQT scores are:
- Air Force – 36
- Army – 31
- Coast Guard – 50
- Navy – 35
- Marine Corps – 32
The scores from all of the tests are combined to determine the best career for you within a particular branch.
How Can I Prepare for the ASVAB Test?
We believe that different learning styles require different tools for success. We have compiled a list of the best study guides, flashcards, and practice tests that we’ve found on the market. Some of these guides have review videos, for you visual learners out there. Others have practice tests, which have been proven to increase student scores by a whole letter grade (in some cases more than that)!
Top Study Guides:
Best Online Course:
High-Quality Flashcards:
Online ASVAB Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online ASVAB Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The ASVAB Course includes:
- Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
- 1,550+ ASVAB Practice Questions
- More than 300 Digital Flashcards
- Over 270 Instructional Videos
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The ASVAB Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their ASVAB exam. Click below to check it out!
What is a good score to get on the ASVAB?
On average, any score above a 36 is passing, but the likely hood of being accepted is greatly increased when you score above a 50. If you want to become an officer scoring up towards the 90s is imperative.
What is tested on the ASVAB?
The ASVAB is taken in two different forms, computerized and written. Even so they test the same information. The sections are as follows, General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge Electronics Information, Automotive and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, Assembling Objects and a Verbal Expression score influenced by the Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sections of the test. Those looking to join the Navy also complete a Coding Speed test.
What is the VE on the ASVAB?
The Verbal Expression (VE), part of the ASVAB, is not a section but a score taken from the Paragraph Comprehension and Word Knowledge parts of the test. The Verbal Expression score makes up half of the final grade.
Is the ASVAB test mandatory?
No, it is not required by law for students to take it but schools can make the test mandatory. It is required to enlist in any military branch.
Can you take the ASVAB more than once?
After you take the ASVAB for the first time, you have to wait another month to retake it. For your third time taking the ASVAB, you must wait six months before you can take it again. Your scores will expire after two years.
What is the military test in high school?
The ASVAB is a military entrance exam, commonly given in high schools to determine the abilities of new recruits.
What branch of the military requires the highest ASVAB score?
The Coast Guard requires at minimum a 45, on the ASVAB to be even considered capable in such a high strain job.
Can you use a calculator on the ASVAB?
No, do not bring anything with you everything will be provided. Calculators are strictly prohibited.
Can you study for the ASVAB test?
Yes, you can study for the ASVAB test and it is encouraged to do so, as the score directly impacts the extent of your military career.
Is the ASVAB a multiple-choice test?
Yes, the ASVAB is a multiple-choice test, with options provided for every question. No points are to be taken off for incorrect answers.
What kinds of questions are on the ASVAB?
The sections are as follows, General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Automotive and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, Assembling Objects and a Verbal Expression score influenced by the Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sections of the test. Those looking to join the Navy also complete a Coding Speed test.
How long do you have to wait to take the ASVAB over again?
You have to wait one month to take the ASVAB a second time, but retaking a third time results in six months of waiting time.
Is the ASVAB a timed test?
Yes, each section on the ASVAB is timed ranging from 40 minutes to 8.
How is the ASVAB scored?
The final AFQT score is derived from four ASVAB subtests: Arithmetic Reasoning, Mathematics Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Word Knowledge. It is given as a percentile between 1-99
Do you have to take the ASVAB to be an officer?
No, you do not have to take the ASVAB to be an officer, as different branches have different tests to determine candidacy.
How long does it take to complete the ASVAB?
It takes about three hours to complete the ASVAB.
How long is the ASVAB good for?
The scores on the ASVAB are good for two years as long as you are not already in the military. As long as you are in the military your current scores do not have an expiration date.
Can ASVAB scores be waived?
Yes, Commanding Officers and officers-in-charge can waive up to five points for two or more subtests for the ASVAB to allow someone to get into a school. They cannot waive scores up to the minimum requirement.
How long do you have to wait until you take the ASVAB again?
For a first retake you have to wait one month for a second retake you have to wait six months.