Distance learning colleges are popular and relevant in today’s culture. High school graduates want to get an education, but for many, earning an income is equally important. Due to the high cost of living, people are entering the job marketplace and supporting themselves rather than going away to college after high school. People in the military are constantly moving, so a traditional degree program is not possible. Some stay at home moms can not afford to pay for daycare while they attend traditional class time. Distance learning colleges have provided an opportunity for people to remove obstacles to earning a degree and have provided a solution for many busy people. Many degrees can be earned at an accelerated pace because students can attend school year round, and take as many classes as they can handle. The actual period of time the student schedules to complete the coursework is completely flexible because distance learning colleges offer classes can be accessed anytime during the day or night.
Distance learning colleges are numerous in number and diverse in possibilities. Some, like many community colleges and state universities, offer online and traditional classrooms, and offer traditional semesters as well as summer courses through the distance learning format. Devry and University of Phoenix can be attended online year round. University of Phoenix starts all their online courses every Tuesday, so a person can begin taking a class almost immediately. The Baker’s Guide offers a list of Christian Distance Learning Colleges, if faith is a factor in ones college of choice. The directory provides a list of roughly 160 faith based distance learning colleges to choose from. There are distance learning colleges that provide education for nurses, like Excelsior College. Almost every degree and every college course is offered through distance learning colleges.
A person searching for distance learning colleges should be aware of scams. Diploma mill is a term applied to universities who are not accredited, thus providing a worthless degree. They may have similar names to distinguished universities such as Columbia State University, rather than the real Columbia University, so the student thinks he or she is attending an accredited university. To make sure distance learning colleges are accredited, one should check the following nationally recognized accreditation agencies: Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and School, or the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Army Distance Learning Program
Distance Learning Center
Distance Learning College Degree
Distance Learning Colleges
Distance Learning Degree Program
Distance Learning Degrees
Distance Learning Programs
Distance Learning Schools
Distance Learning Universities
Graduate Distance Learning
Online Distance Learning
PhD Distance Learning
Distance Learning Colleges
Last Updated: June 18, 2021