The Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Exam or AEMT is what qualifies you to be certified as an Advanced EMT. It is made of two separate test portions, the Cognitive and the sychomotor, which are scheduled and taken separately. This exam tests your knowledge and abilities in relation to basic healthcare needs and transportation.
Online EMT Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online EMT Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The EMT Course includes:
- Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
- 700+ EMT Practice Questions
- More than 550 Digital Flashcards
- Over 30 Instructional Videos
- Money-back Guarantee
- Free Mobile Access
- and More!
The EMT Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their EMT exam. Click below to check it out!
Who is Eligible?
Applicants must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have a current National Registry certification (NREMT) or an EMT or higher state licensure
- Have a current CPR-BLS for Healthcare Provider or equivalent credential
- Have successfully completed a state-approved Advanced EMT course within the last two years with verification from the program director via the National Registry website
There is an application fee of $115 per cognitive exam attempt.
When and Where is it Taken?
Once you are deemed eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) or Psychomotor Authorization to Test (PATT) with instructions on how to schedule your testing appointment.
The cognitive exam is computer-administered year-round through Pearson VUE at one of their many testing sites located nationwide. The psychomotor exam is given at more remote locations and can be found through most licensing agencies, programs, or states. A complete list of available dates, times, and locations will be provided during registration.
With both portions, you may choose a date, time, and place that is most convenient for you. However, it is recommended that you make this selection as early as possible because space and seating are limited and filled on a first come, first served basis.
Those with disabilities may request special accommodations during the registration process. Supporting documentation will need to be provided.
You may reschedule/cancel your exam for an additional $25 up until 24 hours before your appointment. Changes cannot be made during the last 24 hours and will result in the forfeiture of all fees if you do not show up.
What Should I Bring?
For either exam, you will be required to check into the building before you begin your exam. This means that you should arrive at least 30 minutes early. Those who do not arrive on time will not be allowed to test on that date and will have to reschedule, forfeiting their exam fee.
You will need to bring identification with you such a valid driver’s license, passport, etc. Information about acceptable IDs will be included in your ATT or PATT.
Personal items of any kind are not allowed in the testing center unless otherwise approved of through special accommodations. A small locker will be provided for items such as keys, wallets, cell phones, jackets, or study/writing materials. Violations of this policy will result in your immediate dismissal and the voiding of your scores.
What is Covered?
The exam contains two main portions: Cognitive (knowledge) and Psychomotor (skills). Below is a brief breakdown of each including the number of questions or time given. The two sections are scheduled and taken separately.
The cognitive portion will have 135 multiple-choice questions, with 35 of them being non-scored pretest items. You will be given two hours and 15 minutes to complete this portion. It will cover:
- Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation (18 - 22% of questions)
- Cardiology and Resuscitation (21 - 25% of questions)
- Trauma (14 - 18% of questions)
- Medical, Obstetrics and Gynecology (26 - 30% of questions)
- EMS Operations (11 - 15% of questions)
The psychomotor portion contains scenarios that will require you to verify your “hands-on” abilities and knowledge in the following areas.
- Patient Assessment- Trauma (10 minutes)
- Patient Assessment- Medical (15 minutes)
- Ventilatory Management (3 attempts)
- Cardiac Arrest Management/AED (10 minutes)
- IV and Medication Skills (3 attempts within 6 minutes)
- Pediatric Intraosseous Infusion Skills (2 attempts within 6 minutes)
- Spinal Immobilization (10 minutes)
- One of the following randomly selected EMT skills
- Spinal Immobilization Seated Patient (10 minutes)
- Long Bone Immobilization (10 minutes)
- Joint Immobilization (5 minutes)
- Bleeding Control Shock Management (5 minutes)
How is it Scored?
Scores are typically reported within two business days from your cognitive test date. These are posted to your NREMT account online. If you pass the cognitive exam, your results will simply state that you pass with no other description. Those who fail will receive a more detailed account of their score, including your performance in each of the main content areas. You may make a total of six attempts of the cognitive portion, but after three attempts you will be required to submit proof of completion of an approved remedial course.
For the psychomotor exam, you will be given an unofficial exam result at the end of the exam. Official exam results will be posted on your NREMT account after they are reviewed. Candidates are given two “full attempts” to pass. One full attempt means completing all skills with up to two opportunities to retest, no more than 24 months after the date of the exam. Failure of 5 or more skills is failure of the psychomotor exam. Candidates who fail the exam will have to submit proof of completion of approved remedial education before attempting the psychomotor exam again.
How Can I Prepare for the Advanced EMT Exam?
That’s a great question. We’ve broken down the answer into three parts.
- Do yourself a favor and study. Do not walk in unprepared. We have recommended prep materials below, but that only helps if you actually try. Plus, studying is actually proven to be the best antidote to test anxiety.
- Take care of yourself. Make sure you’re eating well, exercising, and sleeping. All of these things are scientifically linked to brain performance. If you take care of your body, you’ll be helping your grades.
- Get a study guide or set of flashcards. Some people study better a certain way. Find your study strengths and make the most of them. We’ve tried to make it easy for you by tracking down the best study guide and flashcard set for your exam. Below you’ll see links to both!

Study Guide