A distance learning college degree has some similarities and differences with a traditional college degree. Associates, bachelors, masters, or doctorate degrees can be obtained through a distance program. As long as the university the student is earning a degree through is accredited, a credible degree can be earned this way, through non-traditional classroom time. Most degree programs require an instructor, but coursework is completed virtually rather than in a classroom environment. Many public universities offer distance learning college degree programs so the cost is similar to a traditional program. Other programs are offered through private universities which often charge a higher tuition amount.
Almost all types of degree programs are offered through distance education, but there are a couple of exceptions. Because a student trying to earn a teacher’s certification must student teach as part of the bachelor’s requirement, a teaching certificate can not be earned purely online. Many classes have a lab requirement which can not be completed virtually, so a distance degree can not be earned when many of those types of classes are required. Unfortunately, not all companies give the same weight to an online or correspondence college degree as they would to a traditional degree. As distance education becomes more widely accepted, the trend will change. One should be prepared to discuss the coursework he or she has completed and the time spent on the degree in an employment interview. If the company is unsure about the creditability of the distance learning college degree, a potential employee should tell the company why and how the education was equivalent to a traditional degree.
Army Distance Learning Program
Distance Learning Center
Distance Learning College Degree
Distance Learning Colleges
Distance Learning Degree Program
Distance Learning Degrees
Distance Learning Programs
Distance Learning Schools
Distance Learning Universities
Graduate Distance Learning
Online Distance Learning
PhD Distance Learning
Distance Learning College Degree
Last Updated: June 18, 2021