The National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE) provides home inspectors a recognized certification which speaks to their skill and expertise for certification. 31 states require the NHIE for licensing, and some associations require the exam to obtain membership.
This article discusses the certification exam for the 31 states that require the NHIE.
Online Home Inspector Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online Home Inspector Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The Home Inspector Course includes:
- Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
- 400 Home Inspector Practice Questions
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The Home Inspector Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their Home Inspector exam. Click below to check it out!
Basic Requirements
To sit for the National Home Inspector examination, a
candidate needs a high school diploma or equivalent, possess basic soft skills
(customer service), and have mechanical aptitude. Some states may require
additional education beyond high school and some form of on-the-job-training in
building inspection, home inspection, construction, drafting, or engineering.
The application varies from state-to-state but includes
providing proof of eligibility and payment of licensing fees.
Purpose and content
of the NHIE examination
The scope of the NHIE is to assess a candidate’s knowledge
and ability to perform home inspections. The purpose of a home inspector is to
ensure a commercial building or residence meets local, state, and federal
The first domain of the examination assesses a candidate’s
ability to properly perform the duties of a home assessor. The foundational
skills required are site conditions, building components (inside and out),
electrical, structural systems (walls, roof, and support), heating,
ventilation, and plumbing. In addition, knowledge of insulation, flood plans,
and before and aftermarket fixtures is required.
A home inspector has the general knowledge of everything in
the building – from the cement that is poured for the floor to the after-market
addition of ceiling fixtures and fences. While you do not need to know how to
fix the water pipes so they don’t leak, you have to be able to identify that
they are incorrect and suggest the correction. A home inspector is a
jack-of-all-trades and serves the client by ensuring the building is safe and
The second domain focuses on your ability to follow the rules
and regulations governing contracts for inspection and performing home
inspector duties within your state with integrity, quality, and objectivity
while protecting the client’s interests.
As a home inspector, you will be expected to write valid
inspection contracts and reports while maintaining objectivity to the building
being inspected. The onus is on the home inspector to be thorough and fair,
ensuring the safety of the public and client are maintained with an accurate
assessment of the home.
The NHIE is divided into two performance domains, Building
Science, Analysis and Reporting, and Business Operations. There are 200
multiple-choice questions, of which 25 questions are un-scored and are included
to measure potential adjustments to the examination. You will have four hours
to complete the exam.
The content of the NHIE is as follows:
- Performance Domain I: Building Science – 64% of
the exam - Performance Domain II: Business Operations – 12%
of the exam
Registration, cost,
and location
Registration and payment for the NHIE are completed online.
The registration fee is $225.00 for all states except Texas, Oklahoma,
Illinois, South Dakota, Washington, Tennessee, and Florida which range from
$125.00 to $300.00. Canada’s registration fee is $325.00. The NHIE is delivered
at testing facilities located nationwide and in Canada.
The cost of the exam may be reimbursable for Veterans
utilizing their G.I. Bill or Veteran Affairs vocational rehabilitation
Test Day
Allow yourself enough time on your testing day to find
parking and complete the required paperwork. Before the start of your
examination, you will complete a tutorial to familiarize yourself with the
delivery method. The time you spend on the tutorial does not count against the
time allowed for the exam. When you are comfortable using the computer, you may
begin your examination.
Personal items will be collected from you before you are
escorted to your testing station and returned to you at the conclusion of the
exam. Food and drinks, calculators, notepads and study aids are not allowed. If
you require special accommodation for the exam, contact the testing center
before your test day.
Exam scoring and
At the conclusion of your exam, your test is scored, and you
receive an official report. The exam is scored on a scale of 200 to 800, and
you must earn at least 500 to pass. Your scores are not transmitted to any
regulatory agency; it is your responsibility to file your official results with
your state per their regulations.
The National Home Inspector Examination can be taken as many
times as necessary to pass with 30 days between each attempt. Each retake
requires registration and payment of the fee.
How Can I Prepare for the Home Inspector Test?
That’s a great question. We’ve broken down the answer into three parts.
- Do yourself a favor and study. Do not walk in unprepared. We have recommended prep materials below, but that only helps if you actually try. Plus, studying is actually proven to be the best antidote to test anxiety.
- Take care of yourself. Make sure you’re eating well, exercising, and sleeping. All of these things are scientifically linked to brain performance. If you take care of your body, you’ll be helping your grades.
- Get a study guide or set of flashcards. Some people study better a certain way. Find your study strengths and make the most of them. We’ve tried to make it easy for you by tracking down the best study guide and flashcard set for your exam. Below you’ll see links to both!