TExES Technology Education 6-12

The Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES) Technology Education 6-12 (171) exam is used by the Texas Board of Education to determine if you have the knowledge and skills required of an entry-level educator in the technology education field in grades 6 through 12.

Delivery method

The Technology Education exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions delivered as a computer-delivered test (CAT) at an authorized testing center. Your total appointment time is five hours. Fifteen minutes are allotted for a computer familiarization tutorial and participant agreement acknowledgment, and four hours and forty-five minutes are provided for the exam.

Registration details

Complete registration instructions are found on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website. The basics of registration include creating a Pearson testing account. Once your Pearson account is created, you can register online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The registration fee for the exam is $116.00, payable by Visa, MasterCard, or debit card. Checks and cash are not acceptable methods of payment.

Once your registration is complete and the fee paid, you can register to take the exam at a location and time that is convenient for you. You have 170 days from the date of registration to schedule your exam. Testing centers are located nationwide. Keep in mind; appointments may fill quickly; register as soon as you can to ensure your preferred test date and location.

Texas Board of Education Standards

Questions on the Technology Education exam are based on seven educational standards that assess a candidate’s understanding of teaching technology in a classroom. The teacher candidate understands:

  • Standard I: The philosophy of technology
  • Standard II: The nature of technology
  • Standard III: The interactions between technology and society
  • Standard IV: Technology and the design process
  • Standard V: The use, maintenance, and impact of technology
  • Standard VI: Communication; manufacturing; construction; energy, power, and transportation; bio-related technology; and computer applications systems
  • Standard VII: Instructional development and facilities management

Test design

The knowledge, skills, and abilities assessed in the exam are divided into six domains. Each domain draws content from one or more of the above standards. The domains are:

  • Fundamentals of Technology Education – 17%
  • Communication – 14%
  • Manufacturing – 17%
  • Construction – 17%
  • Energy, power, and transportation – 17%
  • Biotechnology and computer technology – 17%

Test Day

The testing confirmation you receive from Pearson includes information on the location of your testing center, your appointment time, and instructions on the identification you need to check in. Do not bring anything with you to the testing center other than the items required for identification verification.

Once you have checked in, a test administrator escorts you to your testing station. The administrator provides you with everything you need for the exam and assists you in starting the tutorial. At the conclusion of the tutorial, your exam begins.

Before you submit your exam for scoring, and if time remains, review your answers. Only correct answers are scored, so it is beneficial to answer every question – even if you have to guess.

Exam scoring and results

Your score is reported on a scaled score of 100 to 300. To pass the Technology Education exam, you need to obtain a minimum score of 240. Your official score report is emailed to you seven days after you take the exam, and stored in your Pearson account. The results are reported to TEA and your Educator Preparation Program if indicated when you registered.

Your score report indicates if you passed or not and your performance in each domain. The score report is intended to be a guide to assist you with your professional growth and to help focus your study efforts if you need to retake the exam.

If you need to retake the exam, you can register after a 45-day waiting period. You can take the exam a total of five times (including your initial attempt), and the registration fee of $116.00 applies to each attempt.

How Can I Prepare for the TExES Test?

That’s a great question.  We’ve broken down the answer into three parts.

  1. Do yourself a favor and study.  Do not walk in unprepared. We have recommended prep materials below, but that only helps if you actually try.  Plus, studying is actually proven to be the best antidote to test anxiety.
  2. Take care of yourself.  Make sure you’re eating well, exercising, and sleeping.  All of these things are scientifically linked to brain performance.  If you take care of your body, you’ll be helping your grades.
  3. Get a study guide or set of flashcards.  Some people study better a certain way. Find your study strengths and make the most of them.  We’ve tried to make it easy for you by tracking down the best study guide and flashcard set for your exam. Below you’ll see links to both!

Study Guide



Last Updated: August 12, 2019